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The mammal species found in an ecosystem provide an insight into the dynamics taking place in that ecosystem. So far, almost 20 different mammal species have been documented in the upper Pance river basin. Most of them are small and medium-sized mammals that feed on plants, either their fruits or their nectar. This is great news, as it not only implies that there are enough resources for their occurrence, but it may be contributing to the further regeneration of the forest. Frugivorous species promote forest regeneration by dispersing the seeds of the fruits they feed on. This dispersal can be done through their feces or by simply dropping the large seeds when they finish eating the fruit pulp. Medium-sized rodents such as the guagua (Cuniculus paca) are good seed dispersers. Several bats also perform this role efficiently by dispersing seeds by flight. Nectar-feeding species pollinate the plants that offer them this nectar. When a bat feeds on the nectar of one flower, for example, it collects pollen on its fur and transfers it to another plant when it feeds on another flower. Larger mammal species with higher food and spatial requirements have also been recorded, such as certain feline species or even the endangered Andean bear (Tremarctos ornatus). If the restoration processes had not been carried out in this area, it would simply not have the resources that these large species need.

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