Collection of Forest Conservation booklets, practical guide to environmental education
* For sale
Texts: Robert T. González, Héctor Julio Rodríguez, María del Mar Escobar
Illustrations: ABI Corporation, Fernando Ospina, César Augusto Cadavid, Manuel Alejandro Murillo,
Design and Layout: Rodrigo Valencia S.
June 2000, Farallones Foundation, Ecofund, IUCN Netherlands.

Value per unit: COP $ 20.000
Value per package: COP $150,000
The Farallones Foundation has led the development of several publications, which have not only compiled the results of several of itsresearchand actions in the conservation areas, but also have served as an effective tool for training and raising awareness of the communities inPance, Yotoco and Bahia Solano, in the responsible use of natural resources.
It should be noted that theProject for the Conservation, Propagation and Community Research of Species in Danger of Extinction, Seed Sources and Establishment of Multipurpose Forests in the Middle and Upper Basin of the Pance River, developed in the year 2000, with the support of Ecofondo de Bogotá and the IUCN World Conservation Union of Holland, it has served as the matrix for several of the books and booklets published by the Farallones Foundation.
If you are interested in acquiring or consulting any of our publications, do not hesitate to contact us. Payments can be made to the account:
Farallones Foundation
Nit# 800.046.957-3
Bancolombia / Savings account / No. 6062900707
Ethnobotany of sawmilling in the Upper and Middle Basin of the Pance River 1907-1960
Files of the critical forest species of the Middle - Upper Basin of the Pance River and Phenological monitoring.
Andrés Giraldo, Lorena Gómez (Farallones Foundation Scientific Team), Jose Neris Ocoro, Darío Obando and Floresmiro Viveros (Field Team, Community of Pance) Farallones Foundation, Ecofund, IUCN Netherlands. 2005

Medicinal plants most used by the Chocó Valley community and their ethnobiological uses
Forest recovery project and agroecological proposal for the Valle River Basin, Corregimiento El Valle, Municipality of Bahía Solano, Department of Chocó, Financed by Ecofund. El Cedro Local Council, Farallones Foundation and Ecofund Corporation of Bogotá.