Main projects executed by the Foundation
Farallones in the Upper Middle Basin of the Pance River:
Adequacy and operation of the reserveNatural Bachuefor the development of programs of environmental education and scientific research. The objective of this project is the sustainability of the forest rangers of the restored areas of the upper Pance.Nursery Honeysuckle
Control, conservation and implementation of forest plantations with native species, in the nature reserves of the Farallones Foundation, Pance River Basin, buffer zone of the Farallones de Cali National Natural Park.Farallones Foundation, Honeysuckle Nursery
Implementation of an environmental strategy for the conservation and preservation of a forest area in the Middle Basin of the Pance River, in the San Francisco and La Vorágine villages.Farallones Foundation and CVC
2005 - 2011
Control, surveillance, investigation and maintenance of the plantations of the Farallones Foundation.
2002 - 2005
Conservation, propagation and community research of species in danger of extinction, seed sources and establishment of forest plantations for the diversification of plant succession in the Middle and Upper Basin of the Pance River , stage II.Farallones & UICN Foundation of the Netherlands.
2001 - 2003
Ecological function of the property of the collective territories and the Natural Reserves of the Civil Society.Farallones Foundation, ADC, CERPA, OREWA – ACADESAN, Darién Foundation, Temporary Union & Ecofund.
Comprehensive management of a buffer zone. Stage IFarallones Foundation.
2002 -2003
Conservation, propagation and community research of species in danger of extinction, seed sources and establishment of forest plantations for the diversification of plant succession in the Middle and Upper Basin of the Pance River.Farallones Foundation, Ecofund, Corpocuencas, IUCN.
Historical evaluation of the tree cover in the area of influence of the Pance River Ecopark.Farallones Foundation, Corporation for Recreation and Sports & Vallecaucano Fund for Environmental Action
Socio-political contextualization of the Farallones de Cali - Pacific Coast National Natural Park corridor.Farallones Foundation, WWF
1998 - 1999
Nectarivorous birds of the Farallones de Cali and their trophic resources. Degree thesis in Biology, Universidad del Valle. Nestor Fabian Ospina. Hato Viejo Nature Reserve.Farallones Foundation and the University of the Valley.
Structure and temporal dynamics of the mutualistic interrelationships between flowering plants and hummingbirds in an Andean cloud forest and its bordering successional stages. Doctoral thesis for the Friedrich Wilhems Botanical Institute, University of Bonn, Germany. Ulrike Schmitt. Hato Viejo Nature Reserve. Farallones Foundation, Friedrich Wilhems Botanical Institute, University of Bonn, Germany.
Reflection on the educational role of private nature reserves in central and southwestern Colombia.Farallones Foundation, WWF
Characterization of agricultural production systems in the upper basin of the Pance River. Farallones Foundation, CIPV and Corpocuencas.
Prevention and control of forest fires in the urban and suburban area of the guardianship hills of the municipality of Santiago de Cali, training and social participation.
Farallones and Dagma Foundation.
1997 - 1998
Environmental planning, environmental economic assessment and indicators in the Pance River basin.Farallones Foundation and CVC.
1994 - 1996
Pance environmental brigade.Farallones Foundation and Ecofund.
nineteen ninety five
Comprehensive management of a buffer zone: environmental education strategy for Pance and Cali.Farallones Foundation, WWF and Ecofund.
Comprehensive management of the Pance River micro-basin, buffer zone of the Farallones de Cali National Natural Park.Farallones Foundation and FES Foundation.
Natural history and human intervention in the cloud forest of the Farallones de Cali National Natural Park.Farallones Foundation and Restrepo Barco Foundation.
Comprehensive management of intervened areas in the Pance River Basin.
Biogeographical study of the flora of the highlands of the Farallones de Cali.
Critical list of vascular plants of the páramo and subpáramo of the Farallones de Cali.
Observations on the Silvicultural potential of the husk Ladenbergia magnifolia with notes on the collection and handling of the seed.
Farallones Foundation and WWF
Structure and composition of the ant fauna of the PNN Los Farallones de Cali. Undergraduate thesis in Biology, Universidad del Valle. Hato Viejo Nature Reserve.
Farallones Foundation and the Conservation Scholarship Program GEA – WCI, Universidad del Valle.
Contribution to the knowledge of the diurnal butterflies (lepidoptera: rophalocera) of the Middle - High zone in the Pance River Basin, Farallones de Cali. Researchers: Diego García Mera and Luis Miguel Constantino